Episode 3: Properly Balanced Health Flower – The Physical Petal

We are introducing the Health Flower and breaking it down to the 5 basic petals: physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual. With all petals healthy and colorful it creates a beautiful flower. The goal of it all is to have a properly balanced Health Flower.  Each petal is equally as important as the others and each petal is connected and directly effects the others.

Today we jump into the Physical Health  Petal and break it down a bit. Go over what things in our daily life fall under this petal and why this petal in particular drives our ego.  You physical appearance, your style/fashion, the cleanliness of your house your ass and your mouth all fall under this important petal. So be open and be aware! Notice how much energy we place on our physical health and how ego driven it is.  There is also a little chatter of how healthily balancing this petal will positively impact other areas of your life.

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”

-Lucille Ball

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