In continuing our talk on The LITTLE Things, in episode 2 I talk about once you have brought awareness to being attentive and being present then what?
We roll right into it with talking about how listening is key in order to pick up on what and how our partners are saying.
Once you have made the mental notes and have developed the nuggets then you have to do something with them. And it is here where effort comes into play. This also goes for general saying in any kind of relationship. Putting forth effort speaks volume and shouldn’t go unnoticed. Simply by putting in effort shows that you care, especially when it is not expected.
When it comes to delivering the effort and doing something nice, kind, thoughtful for someone the best way is to do it with en element of surprise. Having something unexpectedly loving or thoughtful happen to us is going to make anyone feel special, loved, heard and admired. It is also the fun surprises that make some of the best memories. The surprises are what makes us all smile.
Listening is an art that requires attention over talent, spirit, over ego, others over self.
-Dean Jackson
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