Rolling right on through the properly balanced Health Flower, this episode we are focusing our attention on the Emotional Health Petal. This will bring up the topic of energies and how thanks do our good ol pal Al (Albert Einstein) we know that everything is energy including our emotions.
We are here on this beautiful living planet, Mother GAIA, and we are in this human form. We are all here on earth as spiritual beings having a human experience. A HUGE part of this human experience is the emotional aspect of it and feeling an array of these emotions, human emotions. We as men tend to block a lot of certain emotions in order to feed our ego. The emotions/energy will only continue to build and become more and more toxic.
We as men have traditionally been taught by society and our upbringing that showing emotion is a sign of weakness and that real men don’t cry or show emotion, that could’t be further from the truth, it is actually the exact opposite.
We are all simply spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.